How We Can Help You

We are an advocate for those who are working towards ending homelessness and offer a holistic case management approach through our HOUSING MISSION.
We provide a safe and welcoming environment for those seeking respite and assist financially for individuals or families struggling to make ends meet through our OUTREACH MISSION.
We provide confidential counseling and resources for expectant mothers and new families through our HOPE PREGNANCY CENTER MISSION.
For those facing food insecurity, we offer fresh and shelf stable food as well as other pantry items in an effort to ensure equitable access through our FOOD MISSION.


If you are experiencing a housing crisis, please call the regional housing crisis hotline at 757-587-4202 or 866-750-4431. The Housing Crisis Hotline is the region’s starting point for anyone who is experiencing a housing crisis and in need of shelter, case management, and related services.


We assist with eviction prevention and utility disconnect notices and provide supportive services to assist program participants to become stable in the short term and successful in the years beyond.
If you are in need of assistance, please call us at 757- 253-0664 to be screened for eligibility.

If you are experiencing homelessness, please join us Monday through Friday’s from 10am – 1pm at our Harbor Day Shelter. Enjoy breakfast, lunch, a hot shower, companionship, internet access, and talk with a housing case manager to discuss rapid rehousing and permanent supportive housing options.


Our HOPE Pregnancy Services offer free, caring, and confidential pregnancy counseling services for women.  We are a pro-life pregnancy center committed to supporting women as they choose life through Pregnancy testing, care counseling, early ultrasound referrals, prenatal care referral, adoption referral and counseling, post-abortive healing counseling, maternity clothing, diapers, baby gear, and parenthood support groups. Please call 757-229-3700 to schedule an in-person appointment.


We distribute food twice weekly:
Each Wednesday from 10am – 2pm, USDA distribution. Please call 757-253-0664 to register in advance. 
Each Thursday from 10am – 2pm, Food Pantry distribution. 

Community Kitchen
Join us at our pavilion from 12-1 Monday through Friday for a home cooked meal!


For our clients, we offer seasonal support through our efforts in Back-to-School Supplies, Thanksgiving Meal Ingredients, Christmas Toy Market, and Easter Baskets. Registration is required for each through our Outreach office at 757- 253-0664.


We collect personal information directly from you for the reasons that are discussed in our Notice of Privacy Practices (available upon request). We may be required to collect some personal information by law or by organizations that give us money to operate this program. Other personal information that we collect is important to run our programs, to improve services for homeless persons, and to better understand the needs of homeless persons. We only collect information that we consider to be appropriate. 

The collection and use of all personal information is guided by strict standards of confidentiality.