Thanks to your generosity, we have made a big impact in Williamsburg this past year!

Thank you to Truist Financial for donating 1,009 pounds of food and coming to volunteer in our Food Project Warehouse! Did you know that we provide 8,400 pounds of food…

Thank you to William & Mary Assembly department for donating 1200 pounds of food.

Thank you to Dayspring Farm CSA for donating 3 bags of fresh produce.

Thank you to Benjamin, a William & Mary student, who used his remaining meal points to buy snacks for hungry families.

Thank you to Henderson, Inc. for donating four pallets- a full mini-dump truck- of food!

Thank you to Tyson for filling our cold storage with meal kits.

Navy personnel from NCHB10, Yorktown brought over 500+ pounds of shelf stable food for the emergency food pantry!

Harbor Day Shelter for the Homeless September: 374 Volunteer Hours Average guest number for the month was 16 Highest guest count in a single day in September was 19 44 Unique guests were served at…

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