As families celebrate the holidays, your support allows it to be within their own homes, with food on the table, and the resources they need at hand.

  • Everyone deserves a home for the holidays. Our Mercy Housing office continues to shelter and house individuals and families at a high volume. This month, we have more than 24 individuals actively in the process of moving into housing!
  • Food security needs are rising. Over the past month, we exhausted our USDA fresh food supply before our drive-thru food pantry line closed… three weeks in a row. We have increased our order with the foodbank and are awaiting the fruits of the food drives that are happening at businesses, schools and neighborhoods around Williamsburg.

This holiday season, give the gift that makes a difference!

– $25 feeds hungry families
– $50 provides a night of emergency shelter
– $500 provides a family with a move-in kit
– EVERY GIFT makes a difference!

Help us reach our goal of raising $10,000 before the end of 2021 by donating and sharing the needs of our neighbors.

This year, we were invited to the Diocese of Richmond’s #iGiveCatholic gift match, too! Every unique online gift through this page, up to $500 and received between noon and 2 p.m. EST on November 30th, will be doubled until the $5,000 Matching Challenge is met.

© 2021 Williamsburg House of Mercy
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