What an incredible transformation our space has undergone in the past few months! It is so calming and welcoming to step out of my temporary office into an environment that feels like home. We are so grateful for our architects and contractors who made our vision a reality. 

As we have spoken about before, it is the dignity of our Williamsburg neighbors that directs our programming. We are intentional about meeting needs in ways that speak community and compassion to individuals in some of the most difficult times of their lives. Our newly renovated house reflects this. From the soft tones of the carpet to the molding along the Mercy Housing interview rooms, and from the residential feel of the bathroom tiles to the house-like grids on the Harbor Day Shelter windows, each detail in the renovation design was a choice made to visualize welcome and our mission to “Be Mercy.” 

Thank you to everyone who has followed along with our progress, especially the many donors who have surpassed our construction fund goal and pledged/donated $229,376!  

As the finishing touches are happening in the building, we are busily making our final wish list and measuring spaces for furnishings. We hope to expand our number of available program managers and volunteers by choosing furnishings that maximize our new space, while still having comfortable, private interview spaces where we will meet clients. These additional furniture items, including furnishings for the expanded Harbor Day Shelter for the Homeless, will cost around $25,000. Thank you to William & Mary Catholic Campus Ministry for donating the large bench that was installed in The Harbor last week (pictured). 

For commercial appliances, last month we announced the Williamsburg Health Foundation’s generous grant for two commercial refrigerators for our fresh food items, proteins, and meals given to the hungry families in Williamsburg. We are also buying a deep freezer ($4,500) and are grateful for the $2,000 in donations we have already received toward a commercial washer and dryer.

With our construction wrapping up in the next few weeks, we are excited to start planning our reopening and open houses to share this new space with you and the community. Please keep an eye out for the open house invitation in April and on Sunday, May 5th. We look forward to seeing you!

© 2021 Williamsburg House of Mercy
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